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LOLER Winch Inspection of the City of London Building

Winch LOLER Inspection of the City of London Building

The Company in Spotlight: City of London Building

The Building

About City of London Building

City of London Building is a public space that hosts meetings, gatherings, and even seminars. Thus, the safety of its occupants is of paramount importance. In particular, all llighting systems should be installed safety to avoid any accident.


According to manufacturers, winches must be and re-certified each year. This must be done by a competent technician. The city of London Building Management wanted a meticulous LOLER inspection of its winch installation before a chandelier could be installed.

In the past few years, lighting technology has tremendously changedgiving rise to innovative solutions that are both practical and cost-effective. Determined to change its lighting system, City of London Building Management embarked on an ambitious plan that involved the installation of a safe chandelier. However, an inspection had to be conducted first. With a lot of trust, City of London Building Management requested Classical Chandeliers to conduct a meticulous LOLER inspection of its winches. This was aimed at making it safe to install the chandelier.

The Problem

City of London Building Management prioritizes safety. Thats why they wanted a competent company to conduct LOLER inspection before and after the winch installation. They wanted the installation to be done at the top of the building in such a way that it could be lowered automatically top the 14th floor.

The Solution

Classical Chandeliers built a 17m tower from the 14th floor. This made it possible for technicians to inspect the winch unit. Using advanced technologies, Classical Chandeliers load tested the winch system to ensure it was safe. We then prepared a LOLER inspection and load reportwhich was sent to the client.

Why LOLER Inspection?

City of London Building wanted an inspection to: Uncover problems and prevent accidents Examine control machines to discover damages or wear and tear Ascertain whether limit switches and other limiting devices are in a proper working condition Inspect wire ropes to ensure they are in good condition Inspect all wires in the system.


LOLERwhich stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998is a guideline focuses on the safe handling of lifting equipment. Drafted by the Health and Safety Executives, LOLER seeks to ensure that contractors are compliant with the safety rules when handling lifting equipment. The guideline can be used by safety inspectors, law enforcement officers, health professionals, house inspectors, legal professionals, and electrical contractors. The regulations are applicable in Great Britain and outside of Great Britain (as per the 1995 order). Contractors who handle cranes in construction sites, control lifts, passenger lifts, and forklifts are guided by LOLER.

The Results

All critical components of the system are inspected and photograhs taken and archived with the records. Pulley Inspection The Pulley Inspection. Winch Inspection The other important aspect of the inspection in the Load Testing. In order to undertake this the winch system is tested to the safe working load (SWL) with a safety margin. The load test is undertaken using a special load testing rig with test weights to load up to the correct rating. Load Testing Load Testing Rig A calibrated electronic scale is then used to record the actual load reading. Load Test Result Load Test Measurement The Winch Inspection.

After conducting a proper winch inspection, we established that There were no issues. Thus, the possibility of accidents was minimal After conducting load testing ring, we established that everything was ok Here is a plan view from the 14th floor (i.e. 17 meters high).

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The Chandelier

The Chandelier


We successfully carried out a LOLER inspection of the City of London Building. This gave out client the assurance that the winch installation was safe. Thus, the safety of the users was guaranteed.Why Choose Chandeliers Chandeliers make spaces look exceptional. They elevate buildings. They help users appreciate the importance of architecture. Thats why public buildings are quickly finding refuge in chandeliers to turn spaces and make them inviting. So, dont be left behind. Any spaceincluding those reserved for public userequire chandeliers. Along these lines, here is why you should seriously think about bringing chandelier to your space, office, or public building: Saves Space: Chandeliers are all about saving spaces. With chandeliers, you have lighting options that are ideal for those with limited spaces. Usually, hang from the ceiling, chandeliers occupy less space. Considering other lighting fixtures on the market, chandeliers are incredibly impressive when it comes to space utilization. Thus, you have the power of elevating the stature of your roomadding more class as well as visual appeal to it without making it look clamped. This is especially important for public buildings that need to be spacious and airy. So, if you havent switched to chandeliersyou are missing a lot. Adding More Impact: Want to elevate your space? Well, invest in the best chandelier in the world. Designed to be both functional and aesthetically appealing, chandeliers can elevate your space and add that extra charm into it. From modern, formal, to casualchandeliers are all about capturing attention. They create focal points in any roomwhich makes spaces more elegant and unique. So, whether you need a soft, elegant, or even glowing effects, you can achieve it with chandeliers. Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the most sought after featuresespecially when looking for a lighting system. And thats what chandelier winches bring to the table. Able to fit into any design project, chandeliers are all your space needs to ooze with class and elegance. Plus, chandeliers come with a myriad of styles. Thus, you can always find that chandelier that fits into your explicit needs. So, whether you are looking for a traditional chandelier, a casual fixture, or a modern lighting option, you can count on Classical Chandeliers to deliver your dream. Improved Atmosphere: The atmosphere of any space affects the mood of the occupants. Get it wrong with your lighting fixture and mess up the mood. Get it right and immediately improve your spaces atmosphere. With Classical Chandelier lighting options, you can be sure of a lighting fixture that can inject more life into space and improve the overall mood. Plus, modern chandeliers are designed to seamlessly blend with any spaces aesthetics. Take your game to the next level and contact Classical Chandeliers to install lighting fixtures you can be proud of. After all, your project needs class and appeal. Act now! The Best Chandelier Installation Company in Town Feeling overwhelmed about installing your chandeliers? Dont fret. You can hire the services of one of the best chandelier installation companies in the United Kingdom. Classical Chandeliers is all about quality, great workmanship, and customer-acentric services. Come to us and let us deliver your dream project.


  • Value Selection
  • Crystal Chandeliers
  • Modern lighting
  • Wall Lights
  • Chandelier Standing Lamp
  • Table Lamps-Candelabras
  • Glassware
  • Chandelier Parts and Accessories
  • Chandelier Winches
  • External Lighting
  • Delivery Upgrade
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