Chandelier Rewiring 4

Chandelier Rewiring

Chandelier Rewiring 1The ambiance of any home is defined by good lighting. Bringing in new and innovative lighting options will automatically uplift your home. However, it’s not all about installing new lighting. Maintenance is an important component to consider. That’s why you shouldn’t allow your lighting fixtures to degrade. In particular, you should rewire all antique lighting fixtures in your home. Here is all you should know as far as chandelier rewiring is concerned.

Switch Off the Fixture

Switch off the power. Then, remove any shades. Once you have done that, go ahead and unscrew the mounting screws on your ceiling canopy. If there are any remaining nuts, be sure to unscrew them as well. After loosening the screws, slide the canopy gently. From here, consider removing all the wire connectors. Ensure that the electrical is unwrapped. If you realize that it’s glowing, consider returning the service panel.


Chandelier Rewiring 2Chandeliers tend to add elegance to your spaces.  They can make any space look classy. So, whether it’s your bedroom, living room, or kitchen, bring in chandeliers to make these spaces better. Rewiring them can bring more elegance into the interiors.

Make Changes

Rewiring your chandeliers will enable you to achieve a certain change in the design of the chandelier. For instance, you can easily replace worn-out parts. Doing so will automatically enhance your chandelier’s overall efficiency.


Lighting is a special component in any home. All occupants should feel safe while at home. Remember, old wiring can be problematic. They can make you feel unsafe at home. Without rewiring these chandeliers, you may put your family at risk. Things like electrocution can happen and lead to loss of life. That’s why you should always rewire the chandeliers. You shouldn’t rush into reinstalling the old chandelier. The best thing you need to do is to bring an expert on board to help you rewire it first before installing the chandelier.

Better Lighting

One of the biggest benefits of chandelier rewiring is better lighting. Remember, old wires carry less voltage. On the other hand, new wires will carry more voltage, making you receive better lighting at home. Thus, if you want that chandelier of yours to shine brighter, think about rewiring it. Don’t allow dim light from your chandelier to give you a low amount of light. Consider rewiring them for a high-quality lighting level.

Consult Experts

Chandelier Rewiring 3You don’t have to purchase a new chandelier. You can rewire it. It’s much cheaper to do that. Purchasing the new wires is relatively cheaper than getting a brand-new chandelier. The cost of rewiring depends on your work. It also depends on the company doing it.  Visit a reliable chandelier rewiring company and inject more life into your chandeliers. Have your chandeliers tested and inspected to ensure that all the wires are correct to avoid electrocution.

The Bottom-Line

If you want to make your home elegant, start with lighting. Ensure that all the lighting fixtures are working properly. For instance, consider rewiring antique lighting fixtures to make your lighting complete. The above guide contains everything chandelier rewiring, including safety issues and why you should rewire your old chandeliers.

Loler 5

LOLER Testing of Winch Systems Explained

LOLER 1Safety is an important component when it comes to handling lifting equipment. That’s why you should always familiarize yourself with all the safety precautions involved. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with LOLER guidelines. However, these rules and regulations are too many. Thus, they can confuse you. Luckily, this article is going to briefly touch on these rules, helping you safely handle these lifting equipment without any difficulties.


For commercial premises, all chandelier winches must undergo full LOLER inspection and load test before installation can commence. From here, they will have to undergo an annual LOLER inspection. It’s important to note that annual LOLER inspection isn’t mandatory for residential homes or buildings. However, LOLER inspection is highly recommended. 

What’s LOLER?

The LOLER regulations were instituted to ensure that all lifting operations are safe. This includes how equipment is handled. Any company wishing to use lifting equipment must adhere to these strict regulations. Complying with these regulations falls under the heath and healthy act.

You must properly plan and supervise all the lifting operations. Still more, those in charge of this equipment must be properly trained. The training includes rigorous examinations. Still more, lifting equipment should be marked appropriately. The storage of this equipment should be planned well. You must disinfect all the equipment. That’s not all, the parties involved should report any defect to the relevant authority. In a nutshell, you must design a protocol that regulates the operations of the lifting equipment. These protocols must be approved by the LOLER enforcing body (Health and Safety Executive).

LOLER Inspection

LOLER 2It’s important to note that LOLER inspection is carried out from time to time. However, don’t confuse LOLER inspection with routine maintenance. A component person should undertake LOLER testing during the inspection process.

Why was It Enacted?

Enacted in 1998, LOLER was introduced to replace the Construction and Use regulations. These regulations are aimed at accommodating equipment prone to damages due to conventional load tests.

LOLER Inspection

Carried out annually, LOLER inspections involve rigorous examinations aimed at ensuring the lifespan of any equipment is guaranteed. This process is governed by the Health and Safety Executive. It’s also aimed at guaranteeing the safety of the people handling this equipment.

LOLER Enforcement

LOLER is enforced by the local Health and safety inspector in your areas. Still more, these inspectors have express access to any operations which involve lifting equipment. Remember, if employees die from accidents at the workplace due to faulty lifting equipment, you will liable for prosecution.

Jurisdiction Of LOLER

All lifting equipment must comply with the LOLER regulations. Whether they are used in business premises, private property, or government establishments, these regulations must be met. Your equipment must have the inspection mark (i.e., the Safe Working Load).

Also, lifting equipment designed for lifting people should specify the maximum number of people who can be carried at a time.  After inspection, your equipment should have a report.

How To Plan a Lift

LOLER 4When it comes to lifting operations, you must plan the lifting operations based on the case. Remember, cases aren’t the same. For instance, occasional lifting in industries may require minimal planning. On the other hand, complex tasks require frequent planning.

The Bottom-Line

LOLER regulations can be confusing. In particular, they can confuse equipment handlers. But that shouldn’t scare you. The above brief will help you master these rules and regulations. Read and master them for successful lifting equipment safety.